Meetings, meetings, meetings!
“…can’t talk now, I have a meeting in 5…”
We have lots of meetings at Seraphim. It takes work to make truly impactful change, and we do our best work when we collaborate. So today we’re pulling back the curtain to give you a peek at how the magic happens. You know how they say ‘never look into how hot dogs are made’? Well— our hot dogs are homemade, gourmet quality and come from free-range farms (or at least that’s what they’d say if we made hot dogs). As one of the most ambitious Real Estate Investment firms in New York, our team takes a lot of pride in our work. That means everything we do has to have that extra level of polish, making sure there are no cracks in the foundation, outfitting homes with the right hardwood floors, getting the roofing just right, and finally, getting the right local support by giving back to community with jobs and opportunities. Our goal isn’t to just fix-and-flip homes, that’s too easy. We aim to transform neighborhoods for the better.
Take a minute to browse our various meeting types below. We think you’ll agree— they’re definitely meetings.
Meetings on mobile phones.
Policy meetings.
Meetings with boards & pushpins.
Stand-up meetings.
(Also called “fights”!)
Architectural meetings.
Meeting inception.
Video meetings.
Strategy meetings.
More architectural meetings.
Meetings with sandwiches.
(always popular)
Chill meetings.
Not so chill meetings.
Building approval meetings.
Meetings involving many screens.
Meetings to discuss the last meeting.
Meetings with presentations.
Gameplan meetings.
Thus concludes our blog post on what a meeting looked like before the great collapse…
Just kidding! Stay safe and healthy out there everyone :-)